This is the Beginning

Make Academia Weird Again

I never really fit neatly into any box in life. I wanted to really dig into researching topics that I was interested in, literature, politics, aesthetics, all sorts of stuff, often in relation to each other. Urban sociology, psychology of architecture, weird art and speculative readings of classic literature... both my BA and MA allowed me to really flex my creativity in that way, and allowed me to explore connections between topics that may seem strange to compare.

I was, however, always a bit too eccentric to fit into the world of academia in a neat and tidy way. I wanted to explore topics further and in a broader context than was usually permitted, and I always felt like a side of me was missing, the one with a passion for visual communication.

I want to make this blog/website a space where I can branch out into all my interests and all the topics that fascinate me. Applying the academic way of thinking and exploring media to texts that may not find themselves inside the classrooms of universities often. Of course I am not saying I will be doing anything groundbreaking, and I can’t guarantee that I will have any thoughts or come to any conclusions, that haven’t already been thought and made, but rather, I would like to join in the exploratory efforts and combine the odd and unorthodox with the methods, theory and abstract thinking that I love so much.

Anyway… See you soon…